- Billboards.
- Posters.
- Digital Screens ( incl. Animated Digital Screens, Interactive Digital Screens, Dynamic Digital Screens): all standard digital out of home (DOOH) advertising involving the use of non-static digital display screens to convey a message.
- Ambient: non-standard and free-format outdoor advertising that leverages the use of public spaces, objects and environments in an unconventional manner.
- P.o.p. & In-store.
Contest categories
All food and drinks.
Beauty, cleaning products, other household goods and other non-durable goods.
Pharma, OTC drugs, wellness
Technology, homewares, furniture and lighting, toys, fashion, home appliances, other durables.
Vehicles, other automotive.
Retail & e-commerce.
Travel and tourism, airlines, train & bus companies, ferry & cruise lines, travel agencies, hotels, resorts, city & country promotion, theme parks, gyms, health & diet clubs, sporting events, music festivals, orchestras, exhibitions & shows, restaurants, fast food, nightclubs, bars, museums, art galleries, cinemas & theatres, golf & country clubs, culture, education.
Self promotion: for advertising agencies.
Media: publications, TV, radio stations, media time and space, digital platforms, other media.
All commercial public services, legal, financial, B2B technology, consultancies & professional services, other business services, internal & corporate communications.
Government, public organizations, military, charities, non-profit.
Non-product based brand`s social responsibility OOH ads aimed to address social, ethical and environmental issues.
Corporate Image OOH ads of campaigns including event sponsorship to build the image/ raise the profile/ shape the perceptions of a brand.
Rapid response out-of-home advertising that uses the buzz around a news story or event to generate maximum coverage for the brand. Includes newsjacking, real-time and situation specific adverts.
Out-of-home advertising that explores new ideas, devices, or methods in its execution and pushes the boundaries of the discipline.
In these categories, the jury will reward the creative and/or innovative use of the Outdoor medium to communicate the brand's message. The jury will consider how well brands are finding new ways to enhance and reinvigorate the consumers' experience by allowing them to engage with and respond to Outdoor content.
Exemplary writing in outdoor advertising.
Exemplary communication of the brand's overall visual appearance in outdoor advertising.
Exemplary illustration within outdoor advertising.
Exemplary photography within outdoor advertising.
Exemplary use of typography within outdoor advertising.
Specialized printing or production techniques applied to an out-of-home piece or campaign.
Entry materials are the most important elements of your entry. This is what the judges will examine, watch and read during their decision-making.
Please make sure that the version you have uploaded is final and it is can be used for judging and shown publicly. Do not upload 'holding media' (i.e. incorrect/fake JPG, MOV, MP4, etc.)
Each advertisement constitutes one entry.
Advertisements which form a campaign must be entered and paid for as single entries.
Please carefully check and re-check the credits you have entered. These credits will be published on our website exactly as you have typed them. Credits cannot be altered during judging.
It will be in your own interest to explain or translate any specific word play or local, social, cultural or political references and nuances.
Please ensure you do not refer to the name of your agency or any contributing creative companies anywhere on your submission materials with the exception of self-promotion.
Please make sure that the version you have uploaded is final and it can be used for judging and shown publicly.
All entries should be submitted as:
1. One image (the digital version of the original advertisement or execution, exactly as it ran) of each entry strictly in the following format:
JPG, 150 dpi, RGB and A3 size (2480 x 1754 pixels), 15MB maximum.
Please name all images with the title of the entry.
For the purpose of judging impartiality, there must be no agency branding anywhere on your entry materials, with the exception of self-promotion or corporate communications, nor any reference to anyone who has contributed to the entry.
2. Case Film as additional supporting material.
Film are accepted as a link to YouTube or Vimeo.
Please ensure that any files uploaded, do not contain the name of the agency.
Do not delete the video from the provided Youtube/Vimeo link after entry submission. The video must be public.
You should upload your film as MOV/MP4 file to YouTube/Vimeo. Please note the file size should be no bigger than 350MB.
It is in your interests to provide the jury with a high-quality file version of your film.
No agency branding or any contributing creative companies/people must be visible on the entry (e.g. logos, credits etc.) except for self-promotion entries.
Please supply 2 versions of your case film, as follows:
Full version: 120 seconds long
This case film will be viewed by the Jury during voting and deliberations and could be used if your entry is a winner in post-Festival promotions. It will also be shown at the Festival, to give delegates the opportunity to study, appreciate and learn from the entries. Full case film should be in English.
Short version (AWARDS SHOW FILM): 30-45 seconds
A shorter, edited version of your case film. This will be shown at the award show, should your work win gold. It will not be shown to the jury. Award Show Films should be in English.
Encoding mode:
multi-pass dimensions are recommended.